

  • Pinot in YouGov    2022-03-19 19:53
  • #yougov

  • Pinot in YouGov    2022-03-19 19:53
  • #apache

  • Pinot in YouGov    2022-03-19 19:53
  • #olap

  • Pinot in YouGov    2022-03-19 19:53
  • #analytics

  • Pinot in YouGov    2022-03-19 19:53
  • #python

  • asyncio and threads - friends or enemies?    2023-09-23 19:34
  • Dependency Injection and Encapsulation    2023-06-11 00:27
  • Python concurrency - how do threads work?    2023-02-21 14:38
  • Parameter Object in Python    2022-09-26 23:51
  • #design patterns

  • Dependency Injection and Encapsulation    2023-06-11 00:27
  • Parameter Object in Python    2022-09-26 23:51
  • #parameter object

  • Parameter Object in Python    2022-09-26 23:51
  • #object-oriented programming

  • Dependency Injection and Encapsulation    2023-06-11 00:27
  • Parameter Object in Python    2022-09-26 23:51
  • #kubernetes

  • Kubernetes probes    2023-01-15 21:13
  • #k8s

  • Kubernetes probes    2023-01-15 21:13
  • #probes

  • Kubernetes probes    2023-01-15 21:13
  • #startup

  • Kubernetes probes    2023-01-15 21:13
  • #readiness

  • Kubernetes probes    2023-01-15 21:13
  • #liveness

  • Kubernetes probes    2023-01-15 21:13
  • #postgresql

  • Partitioned tables in PostgreSQL    2023-02-21 00:29
  • #partitioning

  • Partitioned tables in PostgreSQL    2023-02-21 00:29
  • #concurrency

  • asyncio and threads - friends or enemies?    2023-09-23 19:34
  • Python concurrency - how do threads work?    2023-02-21 14:38
  • #multithreading

  • asyncio and threads - friends or enemies?    2023-09-23 19:34
  • Python concurrency - how do threads work?    2023-02-21 14:38
  • #atomicity

  • Python concurrency - how do threads work?    2023-02-21 14:38
  • #parallelism

  • Python concurrency - how do threads work?    2023-02-21 14:38
  • #gil

  • Python concurrency - how do threads work?    2023-02-21 14:38
  • #dependency injection

  • Dependency Injection and Encapsulation    2023-06-11 00:27
  • #encapsulation

  • Dependency Injection and Encapsulation    2023-06-11 00:27
  • #leadership

  • On rebuilding a system from scratch    2023-06-24 16:14
  • #management

  • On rebuilding a system from scratch    2023-06-24 16:14
  • #asyncio

  • asyncio and threads - friends or enemies?    2023-09-23 19:34
  • #tdd

  • My Take on TDD    2024-06-16 21:57
  • #test-driven development

  • My Take on TDD    2024-06-16 21:57
  • #testing

  • My Take on TDD    2024-06-16 21:57
  • #design

  • My Take on TDD    2024-06-16 21:57